Plumbing frequently asked questions

Inspection related matters

An inspector did not attend the inspection at the arranged booking time, how long do I need to wait until the work can be covered over?

You need to wait 30 minutes after the arranged booking time before the work can be covered over.

I have forgotten to arrange an inspection and/or the work is no longer accessible, what do I do?

Contact advising where the work has taken place and the circumstances that have occurred. A member of the team will contact you to discuss the matter.

I have started work on a property where there has been previous plumbing and/or drainage work conducted, what do I need to do to start and to arrange the inspections?

You need to:

  • pay the relevant fees for any inspection required via the MyInspections Gateway,
  • submit a Notice of Work, and clearly outline the work that you will be conducting (eg, external drainage, rough in, fit out) via the MyInspections Gateway,
  • arrange the required drainage and / or recycled water inspection/s through the booking line if appropriate.
  • submit the sewer service diagram and certificate of compliance via the MyInspections Gateway,
  • arrange the required final or recycled water final inspection through the booking line.

I have started work on a property where there has been previous plumbing and/or drainage work conducted, can you tell me what inspections have been conducted previously?

Due to the volume of these types of enquiries, the Plumbing Team cannot confirm this information.

To advise us of the work you will be conducting onsite, submit your Notice of Work and clearly outline the work that you will be conducting (eg, external drainage, rough in, fit out).

I have started work on a property where there has been previous plumbing and/or drainage work conducted but know the work has not been arranged for inspection, what should I do?

Have the owner or builder make a complaint, providing any evidence in the form of emails, texts or invoices as necessary to confirm who has conducted the work. Provide the complaint reference number to

I have started work on a property and identified existing non-compliant plumbing and drainage, what should I do?

Under Section 11 of the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011 you must give the owner and or occupier of the property written notice of the defective or non-compliant installation and advise the plumbing regulator if it poses an immediate threat to public health or safety.

I am no longer continuing doing the plumbing and/or drainage works at a property, what do I need to do?

You need to submit a Certificate of Compliance and Sewer Service Diagram via the MyInspections Gateway for the work you have conducted.


I am having trouble using the MyInspections Gateway to pay fees or submit documents.

For information on how to use the MyInspections Gateway see the MyInspections User Guide (PDF, 2120.33 KB)

If you have any issues using the gateway after consulting the user guide send an email to with information about the issue.

How do I find my AA or AE number, or old documents that have been submitted?

To view your application history, first log into the MyInspections website. Once logged on, hover over the ‘User Details’ tab and select ‘My Applications’. On this page, you can use your full name, licence details or property address to search past applications you have submitted to find the relevant AA or AE numbers. Alternatively, you can find old documents submitted by searching the application number linked to a particular inspection.

Inspection fees

I am starting work on a renovation or extension at a residential property, what fees do I need to pay?

For renovations or extensions to residential properties, pay as needed a fee depending on the type of work requiring inspection.

Note: Only in the case of renovations and extensions to existing buildings, internal and external drainage work would be considered one inspection when, and only when, the external portion of the drainage works is no longer than three metres.

I am starting work on a single occupancy dwelling and/or granny flat, what fees do I need to pay?

New single occupancy dwellings and granny flats require a minimum of 3 fees to be paid for:

  • 1x internal drainage inspection,
  • 1x external drainage inspection, and
  • 1x final inspection or recycled water final inspection.

Where recycled water is installed to the property an extra minimum of 2 inspection fees to be paid for:

  • 1x recycled water front run, and
  • 1x recycled water rough in

I am starting work on a duplex, what fees do I need to pay?

New duplexes require a minimum of 3 fees to be paid for each individual duplex dwelling:

  • 1x internal drainage inspection for (2x total),
  • 1x external drainage inspection per connection point to Network Utility Operator (ie if 1x Connection Point = 1 Inspection required, if 2x Connection Point = 2 Inspections required), and
  • 1x final inspection or recycled water final inspection (2x total).

Where recycled water is installed to the property an extra minimum of 2 inspection fees to be paid for each duplex dwelling:

  • 1x recycled water front run (2x Total), and
  • 1x recycled water rough in (2x Total)

Separate fee applications and NoW’s are required where the properties have been subdivided prior to starting work (ie separate torrens titles).

Where a property has not been subdivided prior to construction or will be strata titled in the future, one fee application and NoW is required.

All SSD’s for duplexes are to be one document showing both dwellings and associated drainage for each dwelling.

I am starting work on a commercial or industrial property, what fees do I need to pay?

For commercial or industrial properties, pay as needed a fee depending on the type of work requiring inspection.

How do I get a refund for fees that are not used or are not required?

To request a refund for fees that are not used or no longer required, you must email with your AA or AE reference number. You must specify the amount of booking fees you wish to have refunded.

If you are eligible for a refund, the funds will be reimbursed to the payment method used to make the initial payment with 2-3 weeks.

How do I pay an additional fee?

To pay an additional fee on a previously made application, hover over ‘Applications’ and select ‘Pay Audit Fees’. After accepting the terms and conditions, fill in your application details, using the same exact details from your initial application.

Once you have reached the ‘Inspection Details’ portion of the application, insert your existing AA or AE number into the field ‘Original inspection reference number’. Proceed to insert the number of additional inspections required and pay additional fees as normal.

For information on how to use the MyInspections Gateway see the MyInspections User Guide

Plumbing and Drainage Documents

I have conducted some minor works not requiring an inspection but need a Certificate of Compliance, where can I find this?

Examples of minor works performed is the replacement of tapware, hot water heaters, or fixtures or a bathroom renovation where the drainage fixtures have not been changed.

The Combined Notice of Work and Certificate of Compliance (PDF, 367.08 KB) can be used for minor work not requiring inspection.

I have not been paid by my client, do I still have to supply a Certificate of Compliance and Sewer Service Diagram?

Yes, you are still required to supply a Certificate of Compliance and Sewer Service Diagram to your client as per the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011.

If you do not supply them a Certificate of Compliance or Sewer Service Diagram you could be in breach of the legislation with potential compliance action being taken.

We cannot provide advice on how to recover any monies you may be owed.

My client's SSD is not uploaded to Sydney Water for their property, but I have submitted it.

We try to process the SSDs approximately 1 week after the final inspection has been conducted. If you received a non-compliance or the SSD has been selected for a quality assurance check, we will be unable to pass this on to Sydney Water until remedied.

If a significant amount of time has passed since the inspections were carried out, plumbers and drainers can contact advising of the property address and fee reference. The admin team will check the necessary inspections have been completed and the required documents have been submitted and will send the SSD onto Sydney Water if appropriate.

My client is trying to sell their property, but an SSD is unavailable from Sydney Water, How can I submit one for them?

Contact Sydney Water to confirm the availability of a SSD.

Once Sydney Water have confirmed a SSD is not available you need to:

  • pay one inspection fee via the MyInspections Gateway,
  • submit a Notice of Work, and clearly outline the work that you will be conducting is for a “SSD Final Inspection”, via the MyInspections Gateway,
  • submit the sewer service diagram and certificate of compliance via the MyInspections Gateway,
  • email with the AA fee number, and inspection date and time a minimum of 1 week in advance.

The property will be checked to ensure no previous inspections have been conducted, and if appropriate an inspection will be arranged with email confirmation of the booking.


  • It is expected that the plumbing and drainage installation be checked to ensure it is compliant prior to arranging a SSD Final Inspection.
  • If the installation is found to have non-compliant elements the owner is to be provided a notice advising of the non-compliant elements. A SSD Final Inspection is not to be arranged where the non-compliant elements are not made compliant.
  • Any non-compliant work found at the SSD final inspection will be issued against the licenced plumber that has arranged the inspection.
  • Should it become clear the plumbing and drainage work was conducted by the person arranging the inspection compliance action will be taken in the form of Written Direction to Comply Notices, and Penalty Notices.
  • The inspection will be an attended by an inspector.
  • The inspector will check compliance with Overflow Relief Gully, Vents, Inspection Openings, Boundary Trap or Inspection Shaft, Hot Water Service is tempered.
  • The future SSD will be stamped “Internal and External drainage at this property has NOT been inspected by the Regulator. Plumbing and drainage present at this property May or May NOT comply with the Plumbing Code of Australia and relevant Australian Standards.

I received a notice to rectify a Sewer Service Diagram, do I need to book a re-inspection?

No, a re-inspection is only required for physical plumbing and drainage work, not for document related non-complaint items. The revised Sewer Service Diagram is to be re-submitted via the MyInspections Gateway.

Can I change the property details on a Sewer Service Diagram after the final inspection has been completed if the property details have changed?

No, we only pass on Sewer Service Diagrams to Sydney Water shortly after a final inspection has been completed with the property information at the time of the inspection bookings.

Technical and Code matters

My client wants to install a bidet toilet seat and/or bidet douche trigger spray. What backflow prevention is required?

As per the Plumbing Code of Australia, Specification 41 Cross Connection Hazards, S41C4 notes that each Bidet Toilet Seat where the outlet in any position is not 25mm above the overflow level of the pan and each Bidet Douche Trigger Spray requires individual high hazard protection.

In some instances a Bidet Toilet Seat has a suitable high hazard protection integral of the seat. The device must conform to AS/NZS 2845.1 or 2845.2 and is to be noted on the Watermark Certificate found on the Watermark Product Database.

In all other instances a high hazard backflow device must be installed to protect the cold water supply. See our technical note on the installation of toilet seat douche outlets for more information.

Is there any NSW specific variations to the Plumbing Code of Australia and AS/NZS 3500?

The Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA) contains NSW specific variations to plumbing and drainage requirements. Variations are inclusions or modifications to clauses located in the Plumbing Code of Australia and AS/NZS 3500 Volumes 1,2, & 4.

See the Schedule 5 - NSW Variations for requirements.

The plumbing and drainage I am installing is not detailed in the AS/NZS 3500, what can I do?

Plumbing and drainage must meet the minimum Performance Requirements set out in the Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA).

The Performance requirements can be met through the Deemed-to-Satisfy (DtS) Solution (AS/NZS 3500), a Performance Solution or Combined Solution (Combination of a DtS and Performance Solution)

For work not detailed in the DtS Solution, a Performance Solution is required to be submitted to the Plumbing Regulator. For more information see Guideline for plumbing and drainage: Installing code compliant work and performance solutions (PDF, 91.44 KB).

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