How to book an inspection

How to book an inspection

  1. Register or use your user name and login to use MyInspections.
  2. Pay the relevant audit fee(s) for the property where the work is being conducted. Property details can be selected once you start typing your address in the ‘Enter Street Address’ field. If the address search does not provide results, obtain your property details from SIX Maps and manually fill them in selecting the checkbox. Make a note of the AA reference number.
  3. Submit the Notice of Work (NoW) via the MyInspections Gateway using the AA fee reference number.
  4. Contact the Plumbing Inspections Booking Line to proceed with your booking.

For more information on how to use MyInspections, view or download the Guide for Using Fair Trading My Inspections Gateway. PDF, 2120.33 KB

How to correct an Audit Inspection Application

If you have submitted a fee application and paid fees using the incorrect property information, you will need to re-submit a new application with the correct property information, and pay new fees.

It is important to ensure you are aware of the current details of the property prior to submitting an application. This needs to be confirmed via SIX Maps.

Once completed, email with your Full Name and Application number to request a refund of the incorrect application fees.

Using SIX Maps

SIX Maps is to be used to confirm the property address details such as Deposited Plan, Strata Plan and Lot Number when the property cannot be selected or property information does not auto-populate in the MyInspections Gateway when paying inspection fees. To locate your property details in SixMaps:

  1. Open the SIX Maps website
  2. Select the downwards arrow on the ‘Search’ tab and select ‘Advanced’ to reveal an advanced search option.
  3. Fill in the address, ensuring the ‘Road Type’ is correctly selected. To search using the Lot and Plan numbers, select ‘Lot’ and proceed to input the property details. Once done, press ‘Search’
  4. Select the ‘identify’ tool in the top bar, which appears as an ‘i’, and click anywhere within the yellow shaded area.
  5. An ‘Identify Tool’ pop up will appear. You can press ‘Lot’ or ‘Address’ to view the current details of your site.

Please refer to the video below for a detailed explanation on how to use SixMaps to locate your property details.

Plumbing Inspections Booking Line

Once you have submitted your required documentation, contact the Plumbing Inspections Booking Line on 1300 889 099 between 7.30 am - 2.30 pm Monday to Friday to book an audit inspection.

To book a plumbing inspection for the next business day, you need to book before 12:00 pm (midday).

The Plumbing Inspections Booking Line is for inspections conducted by Fair Trading within the Greater Sydney, Blue Mountains, Illawarra, Newcastle and Hunter regions.
Inspections outside these areas must be booked through the local council.

When calling to book an inspection, ensure you have the following information ready:

  • Proof of inspection payment - MyInspections AA or PS reference number
  • Your plumber’s license number and contact details (not company details)
  • Job site address, including the lot number and street number
  • Site specific information to assist the inspector, including the type of building, the meeting point on a large site, site induction requirements, or time constraints related to road opening, etc
  • Site contact name and phone number (if an agreed representative will attend the site on your behalf)
  • Details of the type of inspection type you need and if it is a partial inspection of a particular work type (internal, external drainage work etc).


To cancel a plumbing inspection, call the Plumbing Inspections Booking Line on 1300 889 099.

Cancellations must be made at least 45 minutes before the inspection time. Cancellations made with less than 45 minutes’ notice will be charged the full inspection fee, and licensees could incur a non-compliance written notice.

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