Electricity network services

The Accreditation Scheme

On 20 September 2010, the administration of the Scheme for the accreditation of service providers transferred to NSW Department of Planning & Environment, Resources & Energy. To make sure the electricity distribution network and customer connections in NSW remain efficient, reliable and safe, contestable work can only be done by suitably qualified and accredited service providers.

The following is contestable work on the electricity distribution network:

  • designing network assets
  • extending or increasing the capacity of the network
  • connecting or disconnecting installations
  • installing and energising service lines.

NSW Planning & Environment is responsible for the policy and technical documents that are essential under the Accreditation Scheme. These include the:

All inquiries about these documents should be directed to NSW Department of Planning and Environment, at asp.scheme@planning.nsw.gov.au, or on (02) 8275 1960.

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