Travel agents

From 1 July 2014, travel agents do not need a licence. This includes any individual or corporation (including general sales agents, wholesalers, consolidators, retail agents and some tour operators) who does business as a travel agent.

A travel agent:

  • sells tickets allowing another person to travel, or arrange approval for another person to travel
  • sells, arranges or makes available the right for another person to travel to a place and be accommodated at that place
  • purchases for the purpose of reselling the right of passage on a conveyance.

Travel industry reforms

  • Since 1 July 2013, travel agents have not been required to lodge annual financial returns to the Travel Compensation Fund (TCF).
  • Travel agents legislation in NSW was repealed in May 2014.
  • A voluntary industry accreditation scheme has been introduced.

ATAS accreditation scheme

The peak industry body for travel agents, the Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA), has put together the AFTA Travel Accreditation Scheme (ATAS). Go to the AFTA website or email for more information on ATAS.

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