Motor vehicle recycler licence

When you need this business licence, eligibility requirements, and how to apply.

On this page

Key information

When a motor vehicle recycler licence is needed


How to apply

Renew a licence

Contact us

Key information

  • In NSW, you need a licence to run a motor vehicle recycling business.
  • If you are employing a manager to run your business, you need to nominate them and tell Fair Trading.
  • A corporation must nominate an individual to be manager of the day-to-day business of the licensee.
  • You can apply for a 1, 3 or 5 year recycler licence.

When a motor vehicle recycler licence is needed

You will need a motor vehicle recycler’s licence if your business involves:

  • buying or obtaining, and demolishing or dismantling motor vehicles or parts or accessories of motor vehicles
  • buying and selling major body and mechanical components of motor vehicles, major car accessories, and prescribed parts or accessories of motor vehicles.

You must also hold a licence to work on written-off light vehicles that have been registered in NSW or interstate.

In NSW, operating a motor recycling business without a licence is an offence and can result in a penalty notice of $5,500 or prosecution with a maximum penalty of $110,000. If you commit a second or subsequent offence, the maximum penalty is $110,000 or imprisonment for 12 months, or both.

Learn more about your obligations working as a motor vehicle recycler.

When a motor vehicle recycler licence is not needed

A motor vehicle recycler’s licence is not required for certain types of vehicles. These include:

  • vehicles not acquired for the transport of goods or passengers on public roads (e.g. agricultural equipment)
  • vehicles that are not capable of being registered in NSW (e.g. quad bikes, segways, motorised wheelchairs and battery powered bikes).


Who can apply

To apply for a motor vehicle recycler licence you must:

  1. be at least 18 years old
  2. be a ‘fit and proper person’ to hold a licence
  3. not be a controlled member of a declared organisation
  4. not be disqualified from holding a licence
  5. not be an undischarged bankrupt
  6. not, as an adult, have been found guilty in the past 10 years of motor vehicle stealing or dishonesty offences
  7. have sufficient financial resources to carry on the business
  8. have approval from the local council to run a motor vehicle recycling business at your nominated business address.

Who is 'fit and proper' to hold a licence?

Fair Trading will perform checks (including financial and police checks) to determine whether you are a fit and proper person.

For example, this means you:

  • have not been found guilty of an offence involving fraud or dishonesty in the last 10 years, and are not currently involved in court proceedings for such an offence
  • have not been convicted of an offence under the Motor Dealers and Repairers Act 2013, the Regulations, or another Act administered by the Minister of Fair Trading
  • are not a member of or regularly associate with members of a declared criminal organisation.

In addition, Fair Trading will confirm if you have made any compulsory contributions or other payments to the Compensation Fund under the Motor Dealers and Repairers Act 2013 (if applicable).

The Secretary may also conduct further checks to determine your eligibility to hold a licence if necessary.

How to apply

What you need

You can apply for a 1, 3 or 5-year licence.

Before you begin your application make sure you have:

  • proof of identity
  • personal details (name, address and date of birth) of either the individual or business partners
  • business details, including the registered name of your business, the address, and incorporation date
  • Australian company number (ACN)/Australian business number (ABN) number
  • payment for the licence fee. See our fees page for details.

If you have a business manager

If you are employing a manager to run your business, you need to nominate them and tell Fair Trading.

The manager will need to complete the Manager’s consent form included within your application.

A corporation must nominate an individual to be manager of the day-to-day business of the licensee. An individual can manage the business themselves or nominate another person to manage the business.

Where there is more than one manager, complete a separate Manager's consent form for each manager to include in your application.

Apply now

Apply online at the Service NSW website.

To begin, select the ‘Apply now’ button below.

Your application will take about 20 minutes to complete.

This is for new applicants only. Find out how to renew your licence below.

To apply in-person as an individual, download and complete the Individual application form.

To apply in person as a corporation, download and complete the Corporation application form

Take your completed application form and any supporting documents to your nearest Service NSW Centre.

1. Review application

Your application will be reviewed and assessed to check it meets eligibility requirements. This can take up to 30 business days.

We might contact you (by email) if we need more information.

2. Outcome advised

We will send an email to advise you if your application has been successful.

If your application is successful, the email will include a copy of your licence and your details will be added to the public register.

If your application is unsuccessful, you’ll be advised of the reasons in writing and be provided with your options.

Renew a licence

You need to renew your motor dealer licence before it expires. You must not conduct business without a valid licence.

We will send you a renewal form about four weeks before the expiry date with details of how to renew.

If you’ve received your renewal notice, you can renew your licence online.

Restoring your licence after expiry

If your licence expired less than last three months (92 days) ago, you may be able to restore it (for a fee) at a Service NSW Centre or online .

You can use the details on your renewal form to apply to restore your licence.

If your licence is renewed or restored, you’ll keep your existing licence number. In this instance, your licence is considered to have been renewed from the day the licence expired.

If your licence has been expired for more than 3 months, restoration may not be an option and you may need to reapply.

To check the status of your licence, you can search the public register.

Change of licence details

As a licence holder, it is your respopnsibility to tell us within 14 days if your name, address or other details change.

To change your name or contact details, download and complete the licence amendment application form.

You can change your licence details in person at a Service NSW Centre, or by email to

Change the details of your premises

‘Notified premises’ are places (excluding trade shows) where you intend to conduct business authorised by your licence.

To change the details of your notified premises, download and complete the Change to Notified Premises form.

You must change your details:

  • at least 20 business days before operating at your new premises
  • within 20 business days of ceasing business at your premises.

You can change your licence details in person at a Service NSW Centre, or by email to

Contact us

Need help applying?

If you need help with your application or have a question, please call 13 32 20.

Unsuccessful applications

You can apply for a review.

A review involves another officer from Fair Trading, who was not involved in the original decision, reviewing the decision on your application.

For more information about the process see reviews of Fair Trading decisions.

Next Working as a motor vehicle recycler