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Showing results 7 - 12 of 31 for rent reduction agreement docx

  • Arrears repayment negotiation

    26 July, 2021

    Landlords who provide a rent reduction to eligible tenants will be able to claim the Residential Tenancy Support Payment of up to $1500 per tenancy agreement. ... You are required to have an idea of how much rent you can pay.

  • Application for rent negotiation

    27 September, 2020

    Application for rent negotiation

  • NSW Fair Trading Annual Report 1999-2000: Part 2

    20 November, 2000

    These matters includerequests to terminate tenancy agreements, payment of rental bonds on termination of tenancies,breaches relating to terms of the tenancy agreement and payment of compensation. ... 3. Receivables and Prepayments1999/2000 1998/1999. $ $.

  • NSW Fair Trading Annual Report 1998-1999

    7 December, 1999

    Agreement which requires thereview of all legislation that impactson competition.There are 191 actsto be reviewed in NSW byDecember 2000. ... Tenancy marketresearchThe rental market in NSW isextremely important, with close to500,000 privately rented

  • Terms and conditions for the Residential Tenancy Support Payment

    20 August, 2021

    July 2021. Any such rent reduction agreement can run longer than the Moratorium Period (i.e. ... Rent reduction agreement” means an agreement between the parties to a residential tenancy agreement to reduce the rent payable by one or more tenants

  • NSW Fair Trading Annual Report 1997-1998: Part 1

    7 June, 1999

    Itconcluded that the Sydney Olympicswere unlikely to have adverse effectsbut recommended strategies toprevent problems, includingmonitoring the Sydney rental marketto detect unusual rent movements. ... Valuers Registration Boards Conferencehosted in May