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Showing results 7 - 12 of 38 for licence check

  • Fair Trading - A year in review 2008-2009

    27 April, 2010

    Acomprehensive range of home buildingpublications were available and computersenabled visitors to conduct online licence checks. ... Thisyear the standard was met for over 94% of the12,163 new licences issued and for 97% of the49,242 licence renewals.

  • Fair Trading - A year in review 2007-2008: Part 1

    7 July, 2009

    Withan average of over 226,000 visits to the site eachmonth, the most popular areas were those forbusinesses and tenants, as well as the onlinehome building licence check and business namedetails ... Legislation and regulation. Highlights 2007-2008. •

  • Fair Trading - A year in review 2002-2003

    27 January, 2005

    Business & trader servicesTraders and business people can registerbusiness names and obtain the licences andcertificates they need to operate in New SouthWales. ... The Future. • Builders and trade contractors to undertakecontinuing professional

  • Motor Vehicle Repair Industry Authority Annual Report 2006-2007

    5 November, 2007

    At the end of the reporting periodthere were 12,327 licences in force. ... In seven mattersthe licence holder’s licence was cancelled andthree people relating to these licences were alsodisqualified for a period of five years each frombeing concerned

  • Fair Trading - A year in review 2007-2008: Part 2

    3 July, 2009

    Licensees can subscribe toreceive email news and alerts on topics ofinterest to their licence category. ... These services include thelodgement of applications for business nameregistration and home building licences andcertificates.

  • Motor Vehicle Repair Industry Authority Annual Report 2005-2006

    27 November, 2006

    At the end of the reporting periodthere were 12,029 licences in force. ... The licence issued figure includes some applications received in the previous reportingperiod and granted in 2005 - 2006.