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Showing results 1 - 6 of 38 for licence check

  • Fair Trading - A year in review 2004-2005

    19 October, 2005

    A newonline licence check facility for propertylicenses adds to the existing service availablefor checking builders licences and provideseasier access for people wanting informationabout licensees they might need to do businesswith. ... New on-line

  • Fair Trading - A year in review 2003-2004

    27 January, 2005

    We responded to well over 4million requests for service from the public.These covered every-day consumer advice,REVS checks, licence and business namerelated transactions and rental bondlodgements and refunds. ... On line licence checks in relation

  • Fair Trading - A year in review 2016-2017

    3 November, 2017

    During the year business innovations resulted in our business licence work being integrated into a coordinated licensing system for property, motor vehicle and other business licences. ... During the year our business licence work was integrated into a

  • NSW Fair Trading Roadmap 2019-2022

    21 February, 2019

    NSW Fair Trading Roadmap for 2019-2022, which sets out the strategic approach and principles that will guide its annual priorities and activities.

  • Fair Trading - A year in review 2014-2015

    15 August, 2016

    Some licence types such as Tattoo Operator licences may take additional time to finalise due to checks that must be carried out with external agencies. ... Licensing functions enable Fair Trading to:. • maintain registers including online licence check

  • Fair Trading - A year in review 2013-2014

    24 October, 2014

    The easy-to-use licence check web page is now one of the most visited pages on our website. ... Besides raising awareness of the value of licence checks, the Fair Trading Week program encompassed My Place activities in local communities; the annual Money