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Showing results 49 - 54 of 54 for Home building and renovating

  • Rental Bond Board Annual Report 2005-2006

    23 November, 2006

    redevelopment• compensation payable to residents who have to leave. because of redevelopment• sale of homes within parks• rights for residents who need to leave for long-term term. ... The CTTT deals with matters under eight divisions:•

  • Rental Bond Board Annual Report 2008-2009

    1 December, 2009

    Rental Bond BoaRd annual RepoRt 2008-2009. McKell Building 2-24 Rawson Place. ... The CTTT’s broad jurisdiction covers residentialtenancies, retail transactions, home building orrenovating, residential parks, strata andcommunity schemes, motor vehicle

  • Rental Bond Board Annual Report 2004-2005: Part 1

    17 November, 2005

    matters under eightdivisions:• Tenancy• Residential Parks• Strata and Community Schemes• Retirement Villages• General• Home Building• Motor Vehicles• Commercial Divisions.The Tribunal operated eight registries in 2004-2005 and

  • Rental Bond Board Annual Report 2013-2014

    7 October, 2014

    Electronic copies are available through the NSW Fair Trading website at: - From the home page, select Publications under the Quick Links section. ... NCAT is also building its social media presence with steady growth in

  • Rental Bond Board Annual Report 2007-2008

    24 November, 2008

    The CTTT’s broad jurisdiction covers residentialtenancies, retail transactions, home building orrenovating, residential parks, strata andcommunity schemes, motor vehicle purchase andrepair, credit matters, agents’ fees and retirementvillages.

  • Inquiry into the NSW Retirement Village Sector Report

    4 July, 2018

    57 . 5.5  Clarity on the responsibility for maintenance 58 . 5.6  Responsibility to rectify building defects 59 . ... Recommendation 11: Consider opportunities to advocate for age-appropriateness in village building design.