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  • Guidelines

    API descriptions

    15 February, 2019

    Change Log. Date. Version. Section. Change made. 4/16/18. 2.5. buildingclassifications. Removed the buildingclassificationid to sit with the ID field. 4/16/18. 2.5. performancesolutions. Removed the performancesolutionsid to sit with the ID field.

  • Guidelines

    Strata building bond guidelines and schedule

    21 December, 2017

    Secretary of the Department of Finance Services and Innovation’s guideline for the building bond for the Strata building bond and inspections scheme (SBBIS). GUIDELINE. Building bond. for. Strata building bond and inspections scheme. Published by.

  • Guidelines

    Units to complete for Certificate III in plumbing CPC32411

    13 September, 2012

    Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32411Total 6 Streams in Certificate. Compulsory streams 1 & 2 (Water & Sanitary). Stream 3 Drainage: 9 compulsory units and 3 elective units from the drainage streamCompulsory Electives. CPCPDR2011A Locate and clear

  • Guidelines

    Units to complete for Certificate III in plumbing CPC32408

    21 February, 2012

    Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32408Total 6 Streams in Certificate. Compulsory streams 1 & 2 (Water & Sanitary). Stream 3 Drainage: 9 compulsory units and 3 elective units from the drainage streamCompulsory Electives. CPCPDR2001A Locate and clear

  • Guidelines

    Units to complete for Certificate III in plumbing BCP30103

    21 February, 2012

    Certficate III in Plumbing BCP30103Total 6 steams in certificate. Complusory Stream 1 - water. Stream 2 Sanitary: 6 compulsory units and 4 elective units from the sanitary streamCompulsory Electives. BCPCM2008A Cut and join sheet metal BCPCM2009A

  • Guidelines

    Director General\'s guidelines for Property CPD

    18 February, 2015

    Property, Stock and Business. Agents Act 2002. Director General’s Guidelines for. Continuing Professional. Development. 14 October 2013. NSW Fair Trading NSW Office of Finance & Services 13 22 20 Director General’s