Strata managing agent licence

When you need a strata managing agent licence, eligibility requirements, and how to apply.

On this page

Key information

When a strata managing agent licence is needed


How to apply

Renew a licence

Working interstate and mutual recognition

Qualification and training requirements

Contact us

Key information

  • In NSW, you need a strata managing agent licence to oversee strata or community land schemes.
  • There are two licence classes – class 1 and class 2. Each class has different qualification and continuing professional development (CPD) requirements.
  • Only class 1 agents can be nominated as a licensee in charge (LIC) of a business to be able to authorise trust account withdrawals.
  • You need to hold a class 2 agent licence for 2 years and complete the required training before you can apply for a class 1 agent licence.
  • You can apply for a 1, 3 or 5 year licence.

When a strata managing agent licence is needed

You need a strata managing agent licence to carry out the functions of an owners corporation (strata schemes) or an association (community schemes). This includes:

  • maintenance and repair of property
  • financial management and record keeping
  • taking out insurance
  • conducting meetings.

An owners corporation or association can employ a strata managing agent to help manage their scheme, and can choose which responsibilities the agent will have as part of their contract. For example, an owners corporation might choose to control their own committee meetings, but have their financial affairs managed by the agent.

There are two classes of strata managing agent licence – class 1 and class 2.

Before you can get a class 2 licence, you must first hold a certificate of registration as an assistant agent for at least 12 months and gain experience under the supervision of a licensee. Learn more about assistant agents.

What’s the difference between class 1 and class 2?

You need to have a class 2 licence for two years before you can apply for a class 1 licence. This helps build your skills and experience so you are ready to take on the additional functions of a class 1 agent.

A class 2 agent licence allows you to provide management services for strata and community schemes, which include:

  • organising and conducting meetings
  • property maintenance and effecting repairs
  • managing and reporting on funds, insurance and budgets
  • preparing and distributing general notices
  • advice regarding complex strata issues and laws.

A class 1 agent licence is a higher level of licence than a class 2 licence and has additional responsibilities. A class 1 licence allows you to:

  • perform all duties of a strata managing agent
  • be nominated as a licensee in charge (LIC) to supervise a business
  • work independently as a sole trader and act as the LIC of their own business

Only a class 1 agent who is nominated as a licensee-in-charge (LIC) of a business can authorise withdrawals from the agency’s trust account.

Class 2 licence holders are not allowed to open or manage a trust account, or be nominated as a licensee in charge of a business.

When a strata managing agent licence is not needed

There are several different licences and certificates of registration available for people in the real estate and property industry.

You may not need a licence for the work you want to do, so check the functions listed for each licence or certificate type to ensure you apply for the right one.

There is also a range of roles in agency business that may not need a licence or certificate of registration at all.

Here   is a list to help you understand what can be done without a licence or certificate of registration:

  • answering the phone
  • responding to basic customer queries
  • coordinating appointments for agents
  • logistical support to facilitate inspections
  • issuing keys or access devices to existing residents
  • sending work orders to contractors (with the authorisation of a licence or certificate of registration holder).

Learn more about your obligations working as a licensed property professional.


There are requirements you must meet to get a strata managing agent licence.

Who can apply

You must meet the following criteria:

  • You are at least 18 years old.
  • You are a ‘fit and proper person’ to hold a licence (see below).
  • You have the qualifications required for the licence type you are applying for.
  • You have completed the required work experience  tasks.
  • Your previous licence (or certificate of registration) has not been disqualified.
  • Your registered office must be in NSW. Alternatively, the registered office can be within 50 kilometres of the NSW border, but only if you hold a current licence or authority from that jurisdiction (see section 28 of the Property & Stock Agents Act 2002)

What does 'fit and proper' mean?

Fair Trading will perform checks (including financial and police checks) to determine whether you are a fit and proper person.

For example, this means you:

  • have not been found guilty of an offence involving fraud or dishonesty in the last 10 years, and are not currently involved in court proceedings for such an offence
  • have not been convicted of an offence under the Property and Stock Agents Act 2002, the regulations, or another Act administered by the Minister for Fair Trading
  • are not a member of or regularly associate with members of a declared criminal organisation.

How to apply

What you need

Before you begin your application make sure you have:

  • proof of identity (such as driver’s licence or passport)
  • evidence of your qualification certificate/s and transcripts, including your continuing professional development (CPD) training from the previous year
  • your evidence of work experience logbook completed and signed
  • the details of your previous licence or certificate of registration (if applicable)
  • payment for the licence fee. See our fees page for details.

You can apply for a 1, 3 or 5 year licence.

Apply now

You can apply for this licence online at the Service NSW website.

Your application will take about 20-30 minutes to complete.

This is for new applicants only. Find out how to renew your licence below.

To apply in-person, download and complete the application form and take it to your nearest Service NSW Centre.

What happens next?

1. Review application

Your application will be reviewed and assessed to check it meets eligibility requirements. This can take up to 30 business days.

We might contact you (by email or post) if we need more information.

2. Outcome advised

We will send an email to advise you if your application has been successful.

If your application is successful, the email will include a copy of your licence and your details will be added to the public register .

If your application is unsuccessful, you’ll be advised of the reasons in writing and be provided with your options.

Add a category to your licence

You can add a category to your strata managing agent licence. For example, you can add real estate agent or strata managing agent to your licence.

Before you add another category, make sure you have:

Submit your completed application with supporting documents via email to

You can also remove categories using the same form.

It can take up to 30 days to process your application. You will be advised of the outcome by email.

Renew a licence

You need to renew your strata managing agent licence before it expires.


To be eligible to renew your licence, you must complete continuing professional development (CPD) training each year.

CPD requirements vary between class 1 and class 2 licences. Learn which ones apply to you.

How to renew

We will send you a renewal form about 30 days before the expiry date with details of how to renew. We will also send you an SMS reminder.

You can renew your licence online (on or before the expiry date) and pay by credit card.

To renew, you will need:

If your licence isn't renewed by the due date it will expire, and you will no longer be authorised to work as a strata managing agent in NSW.

As a licence holder, it is your responsibility to tell us within 14 days if your name, address or other details change. You can do this by submitting the Notification of Change of Details form at a Service NSW centre, or by email to

Restoring your licence after expiry

If your licence expired less than three months ago, you can restore it online or at a Service NSW Centre.

You can use the details on your renewal form to apply to restore your licence.

If your licence is renewed or restored, you’ll keep your existing licence number. In this instance, your licence is considered to have been renewed from the day the licence expired.

In certain circumstances, the Fair Trading Commissioner may extend the period to restore your licence if satisfied that:

  • failing to apply before renewal was unintentional, or
  • restoring your licence is a fair and just outcome.

If your licence has been expired for more than 3 months and you have not been granted an extension by the Commissioner, restoration will not be an option and you will need to reapply. You cannot trade until your new licence is issued.

To check the status of your licence, you can search the public register .

Working interstate and mutual recognition

If you hold a current and equivalent licence in another state or territory (or New Zealand) you can use the notification to local registration authority form to apply for recognition of your qualifications to work in NSW.

You must also complete the Application for a Licence – Agent form.

Both forms and supporting documentation must be submitted together by email to

Qualification and training requirements

You need to hold certain qualifications and complete work experience to be a strata managing agent agent in NSW. These are set out in the Property and Stock Agents (Qualifications) Order 2019.

You also need to complete continuing professional development (CPD) training each year. The CPD calendar runs from 23 March to 22 March the following year and compulsory topics change each year.

Training needs to be provided by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) like TAFE NSW.

Fair Trading can suspend your licence if you do not comply with the qualification and CPD requirements outlined below.

Work experience  

You must complete a range of work experience tasks to be eligible to apply for a strata managing agent licence.

Use the work experience logbook to keep track of the tasks as you complete them.

You need to complete the listed activities under the supervision of a licensee in charge. They must verify your ability by signing each task in your logbook as they are achieved.

Once you have finished your work experience tasks, you must scan and submit the logbook as an attachment to your licence application.

Keep your logbook for reference.

Class 2 qualification, work experience and CPD requirements

Pathways to be a class 2 agent

To be eligible for a class 2 strata managing agent licence you must meet one of the pathways below.

Pathway 1

You held a class 2 strata managing agent licence within 12 months of applying.

Pathway 2

You held a certificate of registration as an assistant agent in strata management for 12 months, and

  • completed the following work experience requirements for a class 2 agent during a 12 month period:
    • a minimum of 9 tasks from Part 1 of the logbook, and
    • a minimum of 5 tasks from Part 2, and
  • completed
    • a Certificate IV in Strata Community Management (CPP40521) including having completed the unit Handle Strata community funds held in trust (CPPSCM4085), or
    • a Certificate IV in Strata Community Management (CPP40516), or
    • the following units from the Certificate IV in Property Services (Operations - CPP40609 or CPP40611) - you must have completed at least 1 unit before 23 March 2020:
      • Report on financial activity (BSBFIA402 or BSBFIA402A),
      • Establish networks (BSBREL401 or BSBREL401A),
      • Develop teams and individuals (BSBLED401 or BSBLED401A),
      • Maintain business records (BSBRKG304, BSBRKG304A or BSBRKG304B),
      • Plan small business finances (BSBSMB402 or BSBSMB402A),
      • Manage small business finances (BSBSMB406 or BSBSMB406A),
      • Establish and manage agency trust accounts (CPPDSM4006A),
      • Identify and analyse risks and opportunities in the property industry (CPPDSM4028 or CPPDSM4028A),
      • Negotiate and implement strata community management agreement (CPPDSM4034), or Assess and implement strata/community management agreement (CPPDSM4034A)
      • Coordinate maintenance and repair of properties and facilities (CPPDSM4044 or CPPDSM4044A),
      • Facilitate meetings in the property industry (CPPDSM4045 or CPPDSM4045A),
      • Implement and monitor procurement process (CPPDSM4047 or CPPDSM4047A),
      • Implement customer service strategies in the property industry (CPPDSM4048, CPPDSM4048A or CPPDSM4048B),
      • Manage conflict and disputes in the property industry (CPPDSM4056 or CPPDSM4056A),
      • Monitor a safe workplace in the property industry (CPPDSM4057 or CPPDSM4057A),
      • Participate in developing and establishing property or facility contracts (CPPDSM4063 or CPPDSM4063A),
      • Provide leadership in the property industry (CPPDSM4072 or CPPDSM4072A),
      • Select and appoint contractors in the property industry (CPPDSM4074 or CPPDSM4074A),
      • Work in the property industry (CPPDSM3016 or CPPDSM3016A),
      • Work in the strata community management sector (CPPDSM3017 or CPPDSM3017A),
      • Communicate with clients in the property industry (CPPDSM3019), or Communicate with clients as part of agency operations (CPPDSM3019A or CPPDSM3019B)

CPD for class 2 agents

Class 2 strata managing agents must complete 6 hours of continuing professional development (CPD) learning each year. This includes:

  • 3 hours of compulsory CPD topics (these are set by Fair Trading and change every year), and
  • 3 hours of elective CPD topics.

See the full list of CPD requirements.

Class 1 qualification, work experience and CPD requirements

Pathways to be a class 1 agent

To be eligible for a class 1 strata managing agent licence you must meet one of the pathways below.

Pathway 1

You held a class 1 strata managing agent licence within 12 months of applying.

Pathway 2

You held a class 2 strata managing agent licence for at least 2 years, and

  • have completed the following work experience requirements for a class 1 agent over a 2-year period:
    • all tasks listed in Part 1 of the logbook, and
    • a minimum of 8 tasks from Part 2, and
  • hold a Diploma of Property (Agency Management CPP51119), Diploma of Property Services (Agency Management CPP50307), or Diploma of Property (Agency Management - Strata CPP51122).

CPD for class 1 agents

Class 1 strata managing agents must complete 9 hours of CPD training each year. This includes:

  • 3 hours of compulsory CPD topics (these are set by Fair Trading and change every year)
  • 3 hours of elective CPD topics, and
  • 3 hours of business skill topics.

See the full list of CPD requirements.

Contact us

Need help applying?

If you need help with your application or have a question, please call 13 32 20.

Unsuccessful applications

If your application is unsuccessful, you can ask for a review.

A review involves another officer from Fair Trading, who was not involved in the original decision, reviewing the decision on your application.

For more information about the process see reviews of Fair Trading decisions.

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