Accommodation registers

Fair Trading maintains registers of information relating to retirement villages, boarding houses and residential land lease communities in NSW. These registers allow you to access key details about businesses and service providers to help you make informed decisions.

Retirement villages

The register of retirement villages is available on the Verify.licence website. The register contains the trading name/s, addresses and contact details of retirement villages in NSW. You can also search by local government area (LGA) so see a list of all retirement villages in your council area.

For more information, please see the Retirement villages section of our website.

Boarding houses

The boarding house register lists all the boarding houses registered with NSW Fair Trading. It also contains the following information:

  • the name and address of the boarding house
  • the name of each proprietor of the boarding house
  • whether the boarding house is a general boarding house or an assisted boarding house.

You can also search the register by accommodation type or local government area (LGA).

If you have a concern about a boarding house in your local area, you can contact your local council. The Office of Local Government NSW maintains the Local Government Directory which provides contact details for all councils in NSW.

For inclusion on the boarding house register, please complete the Boarding House Registration Form.

For more information on boarding houses, see the Boarding Houses page.

Residential land lease communities

Prospective residents interested in moving into a residential land lease community can use the register to find out where parks are located and how to contact them.

The register includes the community’s trading name, address, contact details and website address if it has one. You can also search the register by accommodation type or local government area (LGA).

The register includes residential land lease communities, residential parks and manufactured home estates where people live as their main place of residence. Residential parks that only offer accommodation for tourists, holiday makers or long-term casual occupants are not land lease communities and do not appear on the register.

For inclusion on the Register of Communities, please complete the Register of Communities - Notification of particulars form and email to

For more information on the residential land lease communities, see the Residential land lease community home owners page.

More information

For more information about our accommodation registers, or to advise us of incorrect information, please contact us on 13 32 20 or email:

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