Fees for July 2024 - June 2025

Fees for NSW Fair Trading services

Select fees for services provided by NSW Fair Trading.

Since 1 July 2018, fees are automatically adjusted each year by changing the value of a fee unit to account for the change in CPI.

The annual review system for fees enables businesses and consumers to plan for small, regular price increases, rather than be faced with irregular 'jumps' in costs.

An increasing number of licence renewal services provided by Fair Trading are available online. Licensing transactions made online attract a 10% discount to the processing component of the fee or $5, whichever is greater.

Where Fair Trading refuses an application, it has already incurred the cost of processing that application. The Licensing and Registration (Uniform Procedures) Act 2002 allows Fair Trading to keep the processing fee to cover some of its costs and refund the balance of the total fee when the application is refused.

NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) fees

For information on the NCAT fees, visit the NCAT website.

Registry fees

Other fees

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