Co-operatives fees

Please note this is not a complete list of co-operative fees.

The full list of co-operative fees is available in Co-operatives (New South Wales) Regulation 2020.

SectionPurposeFee $
CNL s 23 (1) (a)Application to Approve Co-operative Rules and Formation Disclosure Statement - submission of draft rules90
CNL s 23 (1) (b)Application to Approve Co-operative Rules and Formation Disclosure Statement - submission of draft formation disclosure statement327
CNL s 26 (1) (b) (ii)Application for registration of proposed co-operative41
CNL s 31 (b) (ii)Application for registration of existing corporation - draft formation disclosure statement required under CNL s 2341
CNL s 37 (b) (ii)Issue of duplicate certificate of registration62
CNL s 60Application for Registrar’s prior approval of certain rule amendments90
CNL s 63 (2)Application for registration of rule amendment, other than where pre-approved under CNL s 60—per rule up to a maximum of $24737
Plus fee for late lodgement -
More than 1 month after due date131
CNL s 63 (4)Application for issue of certificate of registration of rule amendment62
CNL s 71 (1)Application for exemption from any or all provisions of Division 2 of Part 2.4 of CNL90
CNL s 82 (3) (a)Application for registration of disclosure statement for compulsory share take up327
CNL s 119 (5)Application to extend period for carrying on business with too few members327
CNL s 152 (3)Application for determination of a member’s eligibility to vote on an active membership resolution327
CNL s 171Application for exemption of co-operative from any or all provisions of Division 5 of Part 2.6 of CNL (former member entitlements)327
CNL s 213 (1) (d)Application for approval to keep register at another office-
CNL s 216 (2)(b)Notice of Change of Details of Co-operative Officers-
Fee for late lodgement 
More than 1 month after due date131
CNL s 220 (7)Use of “Co-operative”, “Co-op” etc—application for exemption by Registrar (cl 5 of this Regulation)327
CNL s 221 (1)Application to approve omission of “Limited” or “Ltd” in name124
CNL s 222 (e)Application to approve abbreviation or elaboration of name124
CNL s 224Application to approve change of name327
CNL s 225 (2)Restriction on use of “Co-operative”, “Co-op” etc—application for exemption by Registrar (cl 6 of this Regulation)327
CNL s 226 (4)Lodgement of notice of change of address-
Fee for late lodgement-
More than 1 month after due date131
CNL s 226 (6)Application for exemption for a small co-operative or class of small co-operatives from CNL s 226 (3) requirement for a notice about the name of a co-operative and its registered office327
CNL s 233 (2)Application by member for review of voting entitlement327
CNL s 243 (2) (c) (ii)Filing fee for registration of special resolution—per resolution per rule to a maximum of $24737
Plus fee for late lodgement-
More than 1 month after due date131
CNL s 244 (1)Application for certificate of registration of special resolution62
CNL s 248 (3)Application for approval of disclosure statement for special postal ballot327
CNL s 289Lodgement of annual financial reports by large co-operative327
Plus fee for late lodgement-
More than 1 month after due date131
CNL s 290Lodgement of half-year reports by co-operative that is a disclosing entity-
CNL s 293Lodgement of annual return by small co-operative89
Plus fee for late lodgement-
More than 1 month after due date131
CNL s 316 (1)Application for exemption of certain persons (in relation to a co-operative) from all or specified requirements of target provisions327
CNL s 317 (1)Application for exemption of certain persons (in respect of a class of co-operatives) from all or specified requirements of target provisions327
CNL s 319 (1)Application for exemption of certain persons from all or specified requirements of target provisions327
CNL s 320 (1)Application for exemption of certain persons (in respect of classes of audit firms or audit companies) from all or specified requirements of target provisions327
CNL s 322Application for exemption from a provision of CNR made under Part 3.3 (Financial reports and audit) of CNL327
CNL s 337Lodgement of disclosure documents for issue of securities other than an issue of securities under CNL s 3382,875
CNL s 337Application for exemption or modification of disclosure provisions under Chapter 6D of Corporations Act (as applied)1,412
CNL s 338 (3)Application for approval of disclosure statement for issue of non-share securities to members or employees of co-operative327
CNL s 343 (3) (a)Application for approval of disclosure statement for compulsory loan from members to co-operative327
CNL s 343 (10)Application for exemption from all or specified provisions of CNL s 343 (requirements for compulsory loans from members to co-operative)327
CNL s 350 (1) (b) and (c)Application for approval of the statement and terms of issue of CCUs327
CNL s 359 (3)Application for exemption from a provision of CNL s 248 and s 359 (requirements in respect of disposal or acquisition of significant assets)327
CNL s 363 (2)Application to permit a higher maximum level of share interest than 20% in particular co-operative327
CNL s 372 (1)Application by an individual for exemption from the restrictions on share interests, relevant interests etc327
CNL s 374 (1) (b)Application for approval of share offers provided for in CNL s 373 that may result in substantial change in share interest in co-operative2,875
CNL s 376 (5)Application to extend time permitted for board to consider a share offer of the kind specified in CNL s 373 (1)327
CNL s 380 (1)Application for exemption from a provision of Division 2 of Part 3.5 and s 248 of CNL (requirements for share offers under Division 2 of Part 3.5 of CNL)1,412
CNL s 396 (2)Application for consent to merger or transfer of engagements by way of board approval90
CNL s 397 (2)Application for approval of disclosure statement for purposes of a merger or transfer of engagements327
CNL s 397 (4)Application for exemption of co-operative from complying with CNL s 397 in relation to disclosure statement about a merger or transfer of engagements327
CNL s 398 (1)Application for approval of merger or transfer of engagements90
CNL s 404 (4)Application for exemption from a provision of CNL s 248 and s 404 (requirements for transfer of incorporation)327
CNL s 416 (1) (a)Application for Registrar’s permission to shorten notice90
CNL s 418 (1) (f)Application for direction exempting from disqualification from administering compromise or arrangement327
CNL s 424 (1) (b)Application for Registrar’s statement of no objection to compromise or arrangement327
CNL s 425 (4)Lodgement of Supreme Court order with Registrar relating to compromise or arrangement41
Plus fee for late lodgement-
More than 1 month after due date131
CNL s 428 (1)Application for Registrar’s approval of explanatory statement for compromise or arrangement1,412
CNL s 445 (3)Application for exemption from a provision of CNL s 248 or s 445 (requirements for voluntary winding up)327
CNL s 453Application to Registrar to exercise powers in respect of property of a deregistered co-operative327
CNL s 476 (2) (a)Application to local Registrar to consent to merger or transfer of engagements occurring as a result of approval by special resolution or decision by the board—merger between local and participating co-operatives90
CNL s 477 (2)Application for approval by appropriate Registrar of disclosure statement for merger or transfer of engagements—local and participating co-operatives327
CNL s 477 (4)Application to appropriate Registrar for exemption from requirements of CNL s 477 applying to a merger or transfer of engagements—local and participating co-operatives327
CNL s 478 (1)Application for approval of merger or transfer of engagements—local and participating co-operatives327
CNL s 531 (1) (a)Application to Registrar for special meeting327
CNL s 531 (1) (b)Application to Registrar for inquiry627
CNL s 588 (1)Application to Registrar for a certificate stating that a thing had or had not been done within a specified period or by a specified date62
CNL s 588 (2)Application to Registrar for a certificate stating that requirements of the Law had or had not been complied with or had been complied with at a specified date or within a specified period62
CNL s 588 (3)Application to Registrar for a certificate stating that on a specified date a body was not or had ceased to be registered as a co-operative under the Law62
CNL s 601 (1) (a)Inspection of register of co-operatives37
CNL s 601 (1) (b)Inspection of documents kept by Registrar relating to a co-operative and prescribed by the National Regulations37
CNL s 601 (1) (c)Extract from register of co-operatives inspected under CNL s 601 (1) (a)37
CNL s 601 (1) (d)Certified copy of document that may be inspected under CNL s 601 (1) (b)-
20 pages or fewer62
exceeding 20 pages124
CNL s 601 (1) (e)Copy of document that may be inspected under CNL s 601 (1) (b)-
20 pages or fewer37
exceeding 20 pages99
CNL s 609 (1)Application for extension or shortening of time90
CNL s 611 (2) (c) (iii)Application for permission to give notice to members by newspaper90
CNR reg 1.4 (5)Application by co-operative for declaration that it is a small co-operative for a particular financial year327
Co-operatives (Adoption of National Law) Act 2012, Sch 1, cl 5 (1) (a)Application for approval for rules of certain co-operatives to restrict voting rights327
Co-operatives (Adoption of National Law) Act 2012, Sch 1, cl 5 (2)Application for prior approval of proposed amendment of co-operative’s rules relating to cl 5 (2)90
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