Suppressing information from a Fair Trading licence register

How to make a request for your personal information to be suppressed from a public licence register.

NSW Fair Trading is required by law to maintain a public register that displays the personal information of individuals who hold licences.

Searching for the name or licence number on a public register will provide information including the:

  • licensee's name and address
  • licence number and status
  • category of work they are licensed to undertake
  • licensee's year of birth, and more.

What is suppression of personal information?

In certain circumstances where personal safety or well-being is at risk, the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 allows you to request the suppression of some, or all of your personal information from a public register.

Suppression of the information means that personal details, such as your address and phone number, will be hidden from public view or not disclosed to the public.

To be eligible, you must be able to demonstrate that the safety or well-being of a person would be affected by not suppressing the personal information as requested.

However, personal information will not be suppressed if Fair Trading considers that public access to the information outweighs any individual request to suppress it.

How to request suppression of personal information

You can make a request to suppress personal information using the online form below. If you have multiple licences registered, you can nominate them all using this form.

To help us assess your request, you will need to include:

  • the register(s) you are requesting information to be removed from
  • details of the personal information you are requesting to be suppressed (e.g. your name or address)
  • an explanation of why the safety or well-being of a person may be impacted if the information is not suppressed
  • evidence supporting your case, for example:
    • police report(s)
    • an apprehended violence order (AVO)
    • court documents
    • medical evidence.

This form relates to suppression of personal information for Fair Trading licences only.

Requests to suppress information relating to SafeWork licences need to be made through the SafeWork website.

More help

If you would like to make a privacy enquiry or complaint, or you aren’t satisfied with the decision made regarding your suppression request, you can contact the Privacy Team on (02) 9219 3999 or via

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