Easy and transparent trading (Better Business Reforms)

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  • The Issue

    Consultation period: 30/07/2018 12:00 am to 27/08/2018 5:00 pm

    The NSW Government has opened public consultation on a range of possible reforms designed to empower consumers and small businesses in NSW by facilitating easy and transparent trading. The proposals focus on driving efficient markets, supporting economic growth and creating opportunities for innovation.

    They would deliver on these objectives by:

    1. Removing unnecessary red tape – making it easier to do business
    2. Increasing transparency and consumer choice

    What has happened so far?

    The NSW Government has already implemented a series of reforms to remove unnecessary red tape and ensure that regulation remains fit for purpose. Recently over 100 NSW businesses, peak industry bodies and think tanks were consulted to identify areas for reform and improve the experience of regulation for both consumers and businesses. The NSW Government is now seeking to consult with the broader NSW public on further possible reforms.

    What are the changes?

    The Department of Finance, Services and Innovation (DFSI) has undertaken a detailed review of legislation that NSW Fair Trading and SafeWork NSW regulate. The proposals have been developed to remove unnecessary administrative and regulatory burdens, making it easier to do business in NSW.

    Some of the changes include:

    • 13 categories of home building licenses to be made ongoing;
    • removing duplicate and unnecessary record keeping and reporting requirements;
    • updating uncollected goods regulation;
    • repealing redundant statutes;
    • disclosure of key terms;
    • creating a central data portal on traders and licensees.

    Have your say

    Stakeholders and interested parties were invited to review the Consultation paper below and provide any comments.

    All submissions will be publicly available. If you do not want your personal details or any part of your submission published, please let us know in your submission together with reasons.

    Next steps

    All submissions received will be acknowledged. Once the consultation period has closed, feedback will be analysed and all potential options assessed. More information about the progress of the review will be made available on this website.

  • Milestones

    • 27 August 2018 5pm - submissions close
  • Outcomes

    The following written submissions are made publicly available following consultation on the Easy and Transparent Trading-Empowering Public Consultation.

    These are made publicly available as specified in the Consultation paper in August 2018.

    Submissions marked as confidential or not for public release are not included but have been considered in the review process.

    Copyright in submissions resides with the author(s), not with NSW Fair Trading. Personal details in submissions have been withheld or removed.

    View the submissions here

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