Public officer

What is a public officer?

A public officer is both the official point of contact for an incorporated association and one of the authorised signatories.

Who can be a public officer?

A committee member, an ordinary member or a person outside the association may hold the position of public officer.

The public officer must be over 18 years of age and reside in New South Wales. An association's incorporation may be cancelled if it does not have a public officer or if its public officer does not comply with these requirements.

What is the official address?

Every association must have an official address. The official address must be an address in NSW at which documents can be served on the association by post.

The official address cannot be a post office box.

The public officer must advise NSW Fair Trading of a change of official address by lodging the approved form Notice of appointment of public officer and notice of change of association address PDF, 1003.86 KB (form A9) within 28 days after the current address becomes obsolete or unusable.

Authorised signatory

The public officer is automatically one of the authorised signatories for the association. However, the public officer is not automatically a signatory to the association's bank account.

Go to the Management committee page for additional information on authorised signatories.

How is the public officer appointed and removed?

The person nominated as the public officer on the application for incorporation of an association will become the association's first public officer. The committee must fill any vacancy in the position of public officer within 28 days.

A public officer will vacate the position if he or she:

What are the responsibilities of the public officer?

The public officer is responsible for:

  • notifying Fair Trading of any change in the association's official address within 28 days
  • collecting all association documents from former committee members and delivering the documents to the new committee member
  • returning all association documents to a committee member within 14 days, upon vacating office
  • acting as the official contact for the association, including taking delivery of documents served on the association and bringing them to the attention of the committee as soon as practicable
  • custody of any documents as required by the constitution.

Need more information?

NSW Fair Trading

Make an enquiry online

FreeCall: 1800 502 042

PO Box 22
Bathurst NSW 2795

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