


Better Business Bureau (BBB) of USA and Canada

Promotes ethical relationships between business and consumers.

Competition Bureau Canada

The Bureau administers Canada's Competition Act. The Director conducts investigations and inquiries into suspected violations and conduct contrary to the provisions of the Competition Act.

Consumer Information Gateway

A government initiative, this is a portal site providing links to Canadian government services and programs regarding consumer issues.

Consumers' Association of Canada 

This site details consumer rights, responsibilities and actions and provides information on products and research.


Canada's business and consumer site. The site aims to provide business and consumer information to all Canadians.

European Union

European Commission - Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General

Their mission is to ensure a high level of protection of consumers' health, safety and economic interests as well as of public health at the level of the European Union.

European Consumer Safety Organisation (ECOSA)

This is the EuroSafetyNet; a collaboration of nine safety organisations from seven European countries. All are working together under the auspices of ECOSA. Here you'll find information on injury surveillance systems, accident and hazard research, product safety, campaigns, safety conferences and evaluations of preventive measures. There is also a listing of safety experts and the addresses of safety-related organisations in Europe.


Consumers' International

Consumers' International has more than 200 member consumer groups from over 90 countries. Main goals are to support and strengthen member organisations and the consumer movement in general; and to fight for policies at an international level that respect consumer concerns.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Committee on Competition Law and Policy

Aims primarily to promote common understanding and cooperation among competition policy authorities and officials. The members of the Committee are the competition authorities (or antitrust authorities) in each of the OECD Member countries.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation (OECD)

The OECD is a Paris-based intergovernmental organisation whose purpose is to provide its 29 member countries with a forum in which governments can compare their experiences, discuss the problems they share and seek solutions which can then be applied within their own national context.

New Zealand

New Zealand Government

Ministry of Economic Development

As the Government's primary advisor on the operation of markets, they advise on overall business and economic performance, regulations to improve the operation of markets, consumer issues and the operation of specific markets including energy and telecommunications markets.  Formerly named the Ministry of Commerce.

New Zealand Commerce Commission

The Commission exists to bring about awareness and acceptance of, and compliance with, the Commerce and Fair Trading Acts, so that consumers and producers benefit from healthy competition.

United Kingdom

Citizen's Advice

Provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to UK consumers and traders on their legal rights and responsibilities.

Competition and Markets Authority

The Competition and Markets Authority is the agency to contact if you have any details about United Kingdom businesses agreeing not to compete with each other (‘cartels’); a market sector not working well; unfair terms in a consumer sales contract, or unfair consumer notices; or any issues related to poor competition.

UK Government Gateway

This website is a portal to accessing all United Kingdom government websites.

United States of America

Better Business Bureau (BBB) of USA and Canada

Promotes ethical relationships between business and consumers.

Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

An independent US Federal regulatory agency, helping to reduce the risk of injury or death from consumer products.

Consumer world - a guide to consumer resources on the Internet (USA)

Consumer World© is a public service site which has gathered over 1700 of the most useful consumer resources on the Internet and categorised them here for easy access. Includes a link to a directory of consumer agencies.

Federal Consumer Information Center

Here you can find full-text versions of hundreds of USA federal consumer publications. Categories include cars, children, employment, food & nutrition, housing, health, money, small business, and travel & hobbies.

Federal Trade Commission. Bureau of Consumer Protection

Protects consumers against unfair, deceptive, or fraudulent practices, and enforces a variety of consumer protection laws enacted by Congress, as well as trade regulation rules issued by the Commission.

Federal Trade Commission

The Federal Trade Commission enforces a variety of federal antitrust and consumer protection laws. In general, the Commission's efforts are directed toward stopping actions that threaten consumers' opportunities to exercise informed choice.

National Consumers League

A private, non-profit advocacy group representing consumers on marketplace and workplace issues.

National Fraud Information Centre (NFIC)

Consumers can send their questions to the NFIC via this website. The NFIC's trained counsellors help consumers identify the danger signs of possible fraud and direct them to the right places for more information if needed.

Privacy Rights Clearinghouse

Offers consumers a unique opportunity to learn how to protect their personal privacy. Publications provide in-depth information on a variety of informational privacy issues, as well as practical tips on safeguarding personal privacy.

Public Citizen

Founded by Ralph Nader in 1971, Public Citizen is the consumer's eyes and ears in Washington. It fights for safer drugs and medical devices, cleaner and safer energy sources, a cleaner environment, fair trade and a more open and democratic government. It accepts no government or corporate support.

State Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs)

PIRGs are state-based advocates for the consumer interest. They fight corporate power and consumer abuses, such as rising bank fees, theft of financial identity, dangerous children's products, and the tobacco industry's marketing to children.

Consumer Gateway (USA)

A one-stop link to a broad range of federal information resources available online. It is designed so that you can locate information by category such as food, health, product safety, your money, and transportation.

Food and Drug Administration (USA)

A public health agency, charged with protecting American consumers by enforcing the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and several related public health laws.

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